Month: December 2012

  • Books for December: Great Deals

    1. Broken-Down House 2. A Man After God’s Own Heart 3. Instructing a Child’s Heart 4. Modest: Men and Women Clothed in the Gospel 5. Shepherding a Child’s Heart 6. Christ Formed in You 7. Vertical Church: What Every Heart Longs for. What Every Church Can Be. 8. Spectacular Sins: And Their Global Purpose in…

  • One Heart, One Mind, One Wallet

    Acts 4:32-35 New International Version (NIV) 32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.  This is one for the church leaders. Our role is to build a culture in our church that people would be in one heart…

  • Prayer for Boldness

    Acts 4:23-31 23 On their release, Peter and John went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and the elders had said to them. 24 When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. “Sovereign Lord,” they said, “you made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything…

  • How can you stop me from preaching???

    Acts 4:17-21 New International Version (NIV) 17 But to stop this thing from spreading any further among the people, we must warn them to speak no longer to anyone in this name.” You do not force a Christian to preach, share, disciple, tithe, give. A person who experiences God’s unconditional love and radical grace is compelled to…