Month: September 2012

  • Attention to Details

    Attention to Details

    Every worship service takes a lot of planning and hard work. Sometimes we think church is just about preaching and singing. We tend to forget that somebody put up the chair. Somebody is thinking about the flow of the service, the safety of the public. In short, it is not just the pastors who make…

  • Real Obedience

    If you only obey God’s word when it seems reasonable or profitable to you – well, that isn’t really obedience at all. Obedience means you cede someone an authority over you that is there even when you don’t agree with him. God’s law is for times of temptation, when ‘body and soul rise in mutiny…

  • The Word of God compared to the Opinions of Men

    “Here we see the power of preaching the Gospel. It is beyond all the might and the power of the world and of all creatures. Christ proves His ability to draw the hearts of men through the Word alone. In the eyes of reason, the preaching of the Word is unimpressive compared to kings and…

  • Why Preaching Matters

    The decadent periods in the history of the church have always been those periods marked by preaching in decline. The positive corollary is that churches grow to maturity when the Word of God is faithfully expounded to them – John Stott To my fellow pastors and preachers – we have a divine call to preach…

  • Counterfeit Gods

    Jefferson Bethke spoken word on Counterfeit Gods