Month: November 2011

  • Reached out but Left out in Church……

    Pastor, I’ve been reached out when I was still in Grade School. Now, I feel like out of place in church. My feeling is that because I have been reached out to, nobody cares about me anymore. Parang stock nalang ako sa church….. Well, let us first break one of the myths when it comes…

  • The ONE thing I learned from the Pacquiao and Marquez fight

    The ONE thing I learned from the Pacquiao and Marquez fight

    I wasn’t able to watch the PPV show of the fight since I preached at our church in Victory Pioneer. Just finished watching the fight today and have read commentaries on the controversial win of Manny Pacquiao over Juan Manuel Marquez. The most important lesson I’ve learned which is actually a spiritual one. IT IS…

  • The Apocrypha and Canonization of Scriptures

    Pastor, I was born and raised to be a Catholic but I started attending a Christian Fellowship back in 2006. I haven’t gone through Christian baptism until now because my parents got converted into Muslim religion about 2 or 3 years ago. They knew that I am enjoying and growing closer to God with my church…

  • Performance Driven Life

    My observation of Christendom is that most of us tend to base our relationship with God on our performance instead of on His grace.  If we’ve performed well—whatever ‘well’ is in our opinion—then we expect God to bless us. If we haven’t done so well, our expectations are reduced accordingly.  In this sense, we live…

  • What the Gospel taught me about the Law

    The gospel teaches me to tell the Law that it doesn’t have any right to try to condemn me ever again. It tells me that when I hear its voice, I can proclaim that it has already been satisfied and can’t ask for more. And it motivates me to confess my sin and love my…