Month: August 2011

  • I have a problem with my pastor

    Pastor Dennis, I learned something disturbing about a pastor in our church. I’ve had the utmost respect for him before but now, totally nawala (gone) because of what I learned. How do I deal with it? First of all I don’t know your situation with your pastor, how you got hold of the story. Was…

  • The Rapture Question

    The Rapture Question

    What is your view on the rapture? Is it Pre tribulation, middle tribulation or post tribulation rapture? and why? This issue has been debated for the longest and the reason it is still being hotly debated is because Jesus said that no one really knows when Jesus would come. What I am sure of is…

  • Facebook and the Gospel

    B.J. Stockman, citing a few paragraphs from Mark Regnerus and Jeremy Uecker’s new book Premarital Sex in America: How Young Americans Meet, Mate, and Think about Marrying, helpfully reflects on the skewed personas Facebook encourages us to generate. An excerpt: Facebook tempts us to post things that increase the currency of our like-ability and indulge in the fear…

  • Blast from the Past (2008): 1st Strategic Meeting of Victory Greenhills

    Blast from the Past (2008): 1st Strategic Meeting of Victory Greenhills

    January 2008: After a month of church we decided to start talking about who do we really want to reach and how are we going to reach them. It was a good question that took us 8 hours to answer. I was the only staff at that time and everyone was volunteering to make the…

  • Help me in my anger management?

    Help me in my anger management?

    Pastor how would I answer a very very angry person justifying every time he is angry by saying “Even Jesus gets angry, right?” Sure Jesus gets angry but in the process of getting angry he is careful not to sin. Here is what the Scripture say: Ephesians 4:26 26 “In your anger do not sin”:…