Month: July 2011

  • Seduced to do good

    Seduced to do good

    Yeah I know the title seems weird but almost everyday we are seduced. Seduced to do bad things is normal but seduced to do good is more normal. Is it a bad thing? Not necessarily but it can become. How you might ask? Well people like me who tend to be religious and moral tend…

  • When Bad Things Happen

    What do we do when bad things happen to us? How do we respond? This is my preaching during our Habakkuk series ” When God Doesn’t make Sense”

  • Disqualifed Qualified

    ” The sufficiency of my own merit is to know that my merit is not sufficient.” – Augustine Understanding where we came from and how God saved us and is continually transforming us from glory to glory means that I am no good. In fact, I am bad, disqualified and not worthy. The irony of…

  • Reside in the Glory of your Reality

    Currently re-reading Kenny Luck’s book “Dreams” and found this paragraph helpful and challenging as I live out this life not for my glory but for the glory of God: Your reality is God’s glory. Everything that is happening in your life- especially the stuff you want to keep a secret – is an ingredient in…

  • Do you realize where you came from?

    “Were you a likely candidate for salvation?  Yet didn’t God save you?  And while he may have used some human instrument, don’t you see that he would have saved you with or without any instrument?  And haven’t you seen other ‘impossible’ brothers and sisters delivered likewise by the incredible power of the invisible God? Do…