Month: May 2009

  • perception vs reality

    I was in a consultation meeting with some pastors and church leaders of Golden City Alliance Church when the subject about perception came up. I remember a challenge Pastor Steve gave us when he challenged us not to believe in the perception of the people about our church but to face the fact of where…

  • trust part 2

    To be trustworthy means 1. I will do what I promise I will do and if I am not able to do it, you will be the first one to know. 2. I will not over promise and under deliver and if it is going that way, you will be the first one to know.…

  • Trust 2

    2 things I committed to my team. 1. I will trust you. 2. I will be proven to be trustworthy. And these are the same 2 commitments I expect from the team. The reason I hire a person to a team is because I trust them. Trust is the currency of job security and satisfaction.…

  • Church people everywhere part 2

    I was browsing YOUTUBE when I chance upon this upcoming comedy group – CARDIO BOYS. When I saw the group performed at SHARON I realized that the four of them attends our church. now who can even say church is boring….

  • loose management style happens when

    Loose management style happens only when you are proven to be trustworthy. Trustworthy means being worthy of the trust given to you. Some people wonder why there boss or their senior pastor always checks up on them. 2 reasons why: 1. Either the senior leader loves to micromanage 2. Since your performance is below par…