Month: March 2009

  • revisit

    If you want to know why we started to plant a church then ask: Why did I planted this church? What were our vision and values? Who are we reaching out to? It pays to revisit why we started church.

  • the difference

    the difference between evangelism and missions: Evangelism is telling people about JesusMission is understanding them before we tell them. – Ed Stetzer

  • how Jesus created a movement

    When Jesus came to earth, he had one PASSIONATE goal. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” Luke 19:10 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”…

  • people come, people go

    Here is HARD reality, people will leave your church. Gone are the days when someone leaves your church and its because of their moral failure or a sinful thing happened in church. Reasons could vary: 1. boring sermons2. too fun3. too traditional4. too contemporary5. too big6. too small7. too offensive8. too soft9. too manly10. too…

  • change

    Who are the new leaders of the church? Who are the innovators and the influencers? THE CHURCH PLANTERS WHO ARE WILLING TO CHANGE.The church planters who challenge how we ALWAYS do church.The church planters who lead their tribes and create movements.The church planters who capitalizes on change. CHANGE IS NOT A SEASON, IT IS A…