Why some stories work and some don’t


It is not enough to have a good story – it must live up to what you are telling the people.
Stories with integrity last long. Stories without integrity backfires all the time.

I blogged about Villar and Noynoy yesterday and got an avalanche of comments from people defending Villar or Noynoy but that wasn’t even the point.

Some people started giving facts about Villar’s anomalies and Noynoy’s credentials. Everybody knows the fact but FACTS though important is not as sticky as crafting a story.

Let us take the claim of Christians that Jesus is the way. This is an absolute truth. I preach this almost every Sunday. I am a believer but I need to take this truth and craft it into a story that would be relatable to people. Missionaries study the culture of the people they are reaching and get word pictures and culturally relevant illustrations to preach the gospel.

So here is an important lesson regarding communication:

It is not enough to have a good story – it must live up to what you are telling the people.
Stories with integrity last long. Stories without integrity backfires all the time.

PS: again I just want to say this is not a political blog.

Related post:

1. Noynoy and Villar lessons

2. Beautiful Theology, Bad Story

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