Why Practice Generosity


Last Sunday I preached on the spiritual discipline of giving. As Christians we are called to live a life of generosity. That means it should be our lifestyle to give especially to the BIG 3 of society – the poor, the widow and the orphans.

I started with a quote that was so powerful that I cannot fail to mention. It is from John Mac Arthur:



Giving is God’s way of raising children. The day I learned to be generous was the day I learned that money is not my source of identity, joy or security. The day I choose to be generous is the day i decide to stretch my faith to believe God and look to God for my provision.

When I tell my kids to be generous – I am not really after their money. In fact there was a time that one of our staff was in the hospital. When my eldest heard about our friend’s situation – she got her piggy bank and gave P26 roughly around $0.50.

It wasn’t big for us financially but it was big for her.

It was also big for me as a father. I want to see my kids living a life of generosity. That they would grow up valuing work but valuing giving more.

How about you? Have you stretch your faith by living a life of generosity? Here is my preaching on the discipline of giving