Who are we reaching out to?

The million dollar question to ask is who do we want to reach?

In our church – our heart is to reach the lost. Lost men, lost women, lost boys, lost girls.
We just finished our staff meeting with the Greenhills pastor and we talked about where we are heading for the next year. As a month old church, we are excited to see what God is going to do through His church.

Our church services are held in the afternoon – 4pm and 6pm. For the past 4 weeks, we have seen an influx of young people, singles and young couples with a few more seasoned people join us as well. Seeing YOUNG people and couples excites me!

God has given us a vision to reach the next generation. The next fathers and mothers of the nation. The next tycoons, taipans and business people, the next politicians, the next artists in this nation.

Keywords : YOUNG and NEXT! This is the people God wants us to reach. The young and the next generation.

For the pastoral team and the dedicated volunteers of our church that means we would exert our effort to reach the people God wants us to reach. It means getting out of the box and getting crazy creative and relevant without losing the heart of the gospel.

It means adjusting our music, our preachings, our church environment to make it hard for the people of San Juan and Quezon City to go to HELL!

I am excited for the future of the church!!! Let’s get it on!