value blogs and tweets

Starting today I will be more intentional in my blogging. The reason I started my own site was to chronicle the church plant adventures and the lessons ( mistakes and great things) that we have done.

The heart of my site was to inform, exchange notes and bless my fellow church planters, pastors of churches and Christian leaders. So with that, I would try my very best to focus on topics that concerns the people I am trying to serve and reach.

As much as I can blog and tweet anything under the sun and the temptation to blog on topics that would produce a lot of hits – I’ll be narrowing my focus more on church planting, church leadership, how to run a church, discipleship and pastoral concerns.

I would have occasional blogs on other topics outside church if I feel like it would add value to the people I am trying to reach. I also would like to encourage you to link, recommend, and share my blog site to your pastor, church leaders, elders, youth pastors and church planters.

I want to leave you with some recommendations though:

1. If you are looking for blogs on relationships check out Kuya Kevin Sanders

2. For family and marriage – check out Larry Uy’s site

3. Political blogs – check out Juan Country

4. Personal Finance – Randell Tiongson

5. For Christian living – Paolo Punzalan

6. For blogs on child raising and motherhood check out my wife’s site – Thammie Sy

7. For value books check out my favorite bookstore – BOOKWORM.PH

PS: I will also be launching another website hopefully by next week or if not after holy week – can’t divulge the details but I am very excited about it.