Success in Ministry is?

With the ongoing church planting in Greenhills and the 6th day of fast – God spoke a mighty word that led me to blog this.

I have been overwhelmed in a good way on what’s happening in our church. The people coming, souls getting saved, a lot of people who gave us positive feedbacks, the team of volunteers who has given their 110% week after week, I can’t help but be amazed at what God is doing and what He is about to do!!!

While hanging out with God the Holy Spirit just popped a question: “How do you define success in ministry?” Is it by the how many, how much, the number of people coming, the accolades and praises you hear from men?” I knew God was going somewhere with this conversation. It was time for an ATTITUDE CHECK.

Success in ministry is not how many people attended your service, it’s not how good your preaching was, it was not how loud the congregation’s praises were. A lot of times we follow how the world defines success.

I started thinking about my fellow church planters who was not given the overwhelming support that I received, the church planter who has to quit his job and do this by faith, the church planter who only has his family to start this church plant. The pastor of a small church who might think he is a failure because his church is small.

If you are a church planter or a pastor of whatever size church, I’d like to honor you for answering the call to advance God’s kingdom. This is not an easy job. You have my respect. I pray that as fellow soldiers we don’t measure our success by the number of our congregation. By the amount of our offerings or the praises we receive from men.

Success in ministry for me is:
A. Being sure that God has called you specifically for the job and you are sticking with that calling no matter how tough it gets.
B. Having a passionate, intimate loving relationship with Jesus.
C. Having a passionate, intimate loving relationship with your wife and kids.
D. Treating the Bible as the most important book in your possession and reading it and devouring it and finding ways to make it real to the people we minister to.
E. Equipping God’s people to do the works of the ministry effectively and efficiently.

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