

I think this is one of my keywords this year. I was having dinner with the #1 top earner of a networking company and he told me that the reason he was able to achieve success is that he has learned how to sift.

The word SIFT stucked with me. As leaders we need to learn how to sift people. Some people are ready to hear the gospel and be discipled. Some people are not yet ready so we pray for them and don’t force the issue.

So when the book of Wayne Cordeiro’s Sifted: Pursuing Growth through Trials, Challenges, and Disappointments (Exponential Series) came out, I wanted to buy it but it was still priced at $18.99. But when I checked the book today at Kindle – it is on sale for a limited time. 84% discount!!!! For US Amazon account holders it is only $2.99. For Asian holders it might be $4.99 which is still a steal!!!

Click on the banner to get the discounted rate