rule 9 to break: be perfect



Whoah! You want me to mess it up big time and not embrace perfectness?

Yes – if it overtaking your authenticity and your personality as a church. HUH?

Perfect doesn’t always mean WOW. Let me give you some real life examples from the church world.

Cathedrals and church buildings that are well maintained but are dying. Worship team who have very strict dress codes that the people singing in front embraces a different personality than how people in the congregation knows them. Preaching that is so video-savvy that the preacher forgets to preach the word.

How many times have we seen perfect stopped church leaders from risking, from new leaders being trained because we are afraid to make mistakes?Unchurched people are turned off by perfectness. They crave for authenticity

I am for excellence. I love a worship team that sings in harmony and memorizes their lyrics. I am for powerful presentations. I am for friendly ushers but perfect …………

Nobody’s perfect.