Daily Grind #4: Relentless


As I interact with a lot of successful people today who are making a dent in the universe, I was surprised that most did not have a Ph.D.

One of the hardest workers I know whom God has promoted in his field is my good friend Larry. He comes to work ready to do great things.

He started out as a kids church volunteer and because he was so passionate about what he was doing – we hired him as our first kid’s church pastor in our church. It was the best hire that I did in my entire career. Larry was relentless. He was hungry to learn. Larry was connecting with the parents of the kids. He loved his job so much that he had his following of young children who loved him dearly.

Larry is no longer our kid’s church pastor. Because of the fast growth of the church – we moved him from our kid’s church ministry to handle our discipleship and leadership development side of the church.

Again – he went to work. Under his leadership, we have raised 360 leaders leading small groups in our church. Because of the quality of our leaders we have seen a significant spike in our attendance at church.

And lately, Larry was asked to run a conference in one of the biggest events halls in our country. He leads like a pro. He was relentless. He never stopped learning, and he never stopped loving the people.

What were his academic credentials?

In his teen years, Larry was so bad that his parents decided to ship him to the States because of stress he was bringing to the family.

He was a mediocre student from high school to college. He was your average man. He had a problem in the past. He wasn’t focused on where he was. He was easily distracted. He was not relentless. He quit quickly.

But something clicked. When Larry decided that you can’t live life just coasting but that you need to gear up, grind and go to work – things changed. Larry is a different man today. He is leading thousands of people every week towards their destiny.

So what am I trying to say: “it’s not the brightest who wins. It’s the most relentless.”

PS: Not saying don’t get your Ph.D., but get your G.R.I.N.D. first


If you’ve missed Daily Grind #1, click here. Daily Grind 2 is here and daily grind 3, here

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