my BAD!

If something goes right in church, a pastor must say “It was the staff and the volunteers who made it happen!” Never put yourself in the spotlight.

But if something goes wrong in church, a pastor must say, “It’s my BAD”

Everything rises and fall on leadership. If the atmosphere of your staff and your leaders are not where it is supposed to be – try asking yourself “What am I doing that is causing this atmosphere to prevail.”

If there are practices that are not helping the team, ask yourself, “What am I doing that is causing this practices to prevail.”

Most of the time, it goes back to you – the senior pastor. It is because we have tolerated it, accepted it and did not take action when we were supposed to.

I learned that this week. It was my loving wife who made me realize that the BUCK stops with me. It was MY BAD!

If that is the case, just accept responsibility and say “It’s my bad!” because most likely its your BAD!