local church

I had a very weird meeting last week. An attendee in church wanted to talk to me. So we had an appointment and I ask one of our leaders to sit in the meeting as well.

She started of by saying ” This is what the LORD wants me to tell you so you better write this down”. I said would you mind I just record it. So we did.

So for the next one hour she pointed 5 major mistakes our church is doing. KA BOOM!!!!!

What in the world did I get into? The person was commenting on the things we need to do as a church as if we are the only existing church in the world. Anyway it was an interesting meeting.

She then goes on to give me a lecture on full time ministry, ordination, saving the world and feeding the sheep. Mind you, some of her thoughts were GREAT! I got some good lessons but some I had to filter. Why?

Because most of her suggestions and opinions were done not in the premise of a local church structure. It was “THE LORD TOLD ME”, “I FEEL THAT”.

I had to stop her at one point and explain to her how we do things the BIBLICAL way and not the DREAMS GOD TOLD ME WAY. ( I call it MC DREAMY WAY).

The Bible is full of insights and examples of how church should be. It is not a ONE MAN SHOW. Victory Greenhills is not DENNIS SY MINISTRIES. It is God’s church and not mine. We adhere to certain boundaries and guidelines and whole lot of accountability so that as ministers we uphold the SCRIPTURE and we don’t abuse the anointing given to us.

I am thankful for my local church. I am grateful to God for providing me with leaders who I can be accountable with. I am glad to be a part of a BIGGER TEAM.


click here to read ED STETZER”S BLOG on the issue of disconnection

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