Taken from my book notes from Miles McPherson’s book DO SOMETHING

Luke 9:61-62 61 Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.” 62 Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

Leaders get their hands dirty. We do hard work. We don’t just plan and strategize, we should make things happen. Once you have put your hand to the plow – this is what’s NEXT…


Ephesians 2:10 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

417pcF5ukYL._SX326_BO1,204,203,200_Before David became king, he was tending the sheep.

Before Joseph became second in command, he was in prison for some refining work on his faith and attitude.

Before Moses led millions out of slavery, he was in the desert to prepare himself for greater work.

John the Baptist prepared the way for the Lord.

The whole Bible is prepping us up for the ultimate rescuer and Savior. A greater Moses, David, Solomon, Samson was coming who will save the world – JESUS.

God is preparing the church for the greater work ahead.

God is also preparing you for a greater work ahead. Preparing you for a life that matters. Preparing us to embrace his plans, discipline and purposes.

There were two missionaries Donna and Bill who was called to minister to the tribe of Palawan. They were sure that God called them to the jungle. One night, MNLF rebels knocked on her door and said “WE ARE MOVING HERE IN PALAWAN, STAY OUT OF OUR BUSINESS WE WILL LEAVE YOU ALONE, BUT IF YOU MEDDLE WITH OUR AFFAIRS WE WILL KILL YOU.”

Donna and Bill prayed. They knew they were called but now they were not sure until the Lord spoke to them:

“Do not doubt in the dark what God has shown you in the light.”

Years after, Bill and Donna continue to work in spite of the hostile situation. One day, Bill was teaching the Bible when an old man, a clan leader showed up. He listened politely and summarized the whole message out loud after.

After 2 years, the wife of the clan leader who showed up in the meeting where Bill preached said, “ the only reason my family listened to you was because of what my father said when I was a child.” Her father was a prophet type and during the WWII her dad sat her and her relatives and said, “ Someday, Americans will come with a book, they will live among the Palawanos and tell us how to know God and have eternal life

IMAGINE THIS: The people under your care are people God has prepared long time ago so that you could impart the gospel and disciple them.

Before you were born, God had made all of the necessary preparations for you (from skills, to your unique personality, to the friends you will meet along the way) to do something that will make your life count.

For those of you who haven’t download my free book “5 THINGS A MAN SHOULD BUILD”, you can do so now by clicking on the link here

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