Kindle Books on Sale for Every Pastor and Christian Leader


Since moving to Kindle and reading from my IPAD, I have not bought a  physical book anymore for the following reasons:

1. I save more than 50% for every book purchase I make. I think I have saved more than 2000 pesos a month since moving to the ebook format

2. I have no more space in my library to add more shelf space. In short, I save more space.

3. It is lightweight. I remember bringing very thick and heavy books for my trips. Now I could have up to 3500 books in my kindle. Thank you Lord!!!

4. IPAD offers a free KINDLE APP. No Kindle, it is okay since you can download Kindle for free in your IPAD.

5. Some of the best books that I cannot purchase since it is pricey usually goes on sale for a limited time in Amazon. Here are some books on sale that you can purchase for a limited time only.

For Craig Groeschel fans:

1.  It: How Churches and Leaders Can Get It and Keep It, for me is his best book so far. This book has changed me as a leader and a pastor. Note: This book would make you repent in the end.

2. WEIRD: Because Normal Isn’t Working is a book I read when I was on the plane. I could not put the kindle down because of how the book challenges me to go against the flow of our culture and embrace God’s way.

3. The Christian Atheist: When You Believe in God But Live as if He Doesn’t Exist is a book I read for a day only. Once again Craig Groeschel never failed to disturb my mind. This is a book that every Christian leader must have especially as we minister to professing Christians who don’t live according to God’s way.

4. Stuff Christians Like by Jonathan Acuff. I haven’t personally read this book but the book reviews are amazing. Excited to read this one!!!

5. The Me I Want to Be by John Ortberg, the author of The Life You’ve Always Wanted, has this book on sale – so might as well purchase this.

I think this is what I love about ebooks. The books here are 85% off. You save a lot so you are able to buy more books. Enjoy reading!!!