finding your place


Most people try to get a position but a wise man knows that you don’t go after a position. Instead of struggling your way to a position, you need to find your place. The place where God wants you to be.

Great men and women in the Bible never went after the position. The disciples who were asking for a position got a rebuke instead.

You see when you know your place , the place where God puts you, you will be on the sweet spot of God’s grace. Christianity is not about getting a special position, it is finding your place in God’s move.

When you are in your place where Jesus wants you, you will never be displaced, misplaced and replaced. No better place than to be in the place where God wants you.

You want to know what God has in store for you, I would like to recommend this book” THE LIFE YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED by John Ortberg available online, click here to purchase