Powerful Life Lessons I Learned from My Dad


Happy Father’s Day to my Dad. Thank you for being such a great example of fatherhood and manhood. I am where I am today because of you. Let me share to you some of the powerful life lessons my dad TAUGHT me and SHOWED me.


1. Life is simple.

Thank you papa for showing us that wealth is not as important as family and serving others. You taught us to live a simple life whether our family has plenty or when you were just starting in business.

Thank you that you showed us life is simple. That whether you live in the city or in the province – it is what you make of it – that makes the difference – if you are going to be joyful or not.

Thank you that in spite of your success in business – you never increased your standard of living. You are still positively frugal and taught us the real value of prosperity. I was able to write the book Rich for Life because of your example.

Whether there is an abundance of blessing or the seemingly lack of material blessing – you told us to be joyful.


2. Work Hard.

Wake up early, show up to work and be the last to leave.

Powerful lesson in life and work that I still carry today. For you there is no such thing as retirement. You showed us that it takes perseverance, determination and hard work to succeed in life.

Thank you for being a fighter when your family was poor. Thank you for dreaming and not settling with your present circumstances but rather you chose to cultivate the field assigned to you by God.

10896901_10152467735261146_7264558012522456573_n3. Love your Wife. 

Thank you Papa because after all this years of marriage – I never saw you fight with mama. You kept it private. Your affection was public your fights were private.

Thank you for making us feel secure that your marriage is strong because it is strong. Thank you for taking good care of mama. You did not spoil her but you both sanctify each other and helped each other grow in Christ-likeness.

Thank you because of your example – I can love Thammie the way you love Mama.

4. Faith in God.

Though you were the last one in the family who accepted Jesus as Lord – you never failed to lead us spiritually. You have led your entire siblings 11 of them to the Lord. You never miss a Sunday service. You have helped establish churches in your province.

But what touched me the most was more than a decade ago, I saw you reading the Bible out loud so that you can comprehend what you were reading. You showed us how hungry you are for the Bible and that your relationship to God matters.


Thank you Papa. Your life is worth emulating. Thanks for acting like a man. Happy Father’s Day.