” The sufficiency of my own merit is to know that my merit is not sufficient.” – Augustine
Understanding where we came from and how God saved us and is continually transforming us from glory to glory means that I am no good. In fact, I am bad, disqualified and not worthy.
The irony of the gospel living is that when we think we are qualified, we disqualify ourselves and when we know we are disqualified, qualifies us for His kingdom.
How does this apply to us: Kenny Luck, president of Every Man’s ministries gives us a glimpse of how this looks like in everyday life.
- you have influence without ego.
- you are capable of retaliation but choose reconciliation
- you pass up power to increase God’s influence
- you submit to God’s plan versus presuming them
- you freely notice others
- you empty yourself instead of being self entitled
- you are willing to take the hit in humble obedience to God’s purposes
- you are able to wait for God to honor your efforts in His time