Confessions of the clueless pastor part 4: FEAR

Aside from heights and rats…. here are some serious things that I fear the most:

1. Being proud but not noticing it.

But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6

2. Not open to correction

I have my own share of critics and people who don’t like me. I try as much as possbile to get the good out of any critique or suggestions given to us as long as it does not go against the Bible.

3. To be a people pleaser and not admit it because I want to please people (hehe).

4. To put ministry before my family.

5. Not give a chance to the next generation of leaders.
– I was given a chance by people I really look up to. Mentors and leaders who believe in someone who was clueless.

6. Not stepping up when LEADERSHIP is called for.

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