The Belt you can’t afford not to have

1. Belt of truth.

The belt holds the armor together. Without the belt – the armor will be loosed. The truth holds us and helps us fight the enemy. Knowing that we have won the battle because of what Christ did makes us confident that we can win every war we have with the enemy. John 14:6 says that the truth will set us free.

A lot of times in spiritual warfare – we only need a truth encounter. Not everything is a power struggle and a power encounter because Christ already fought the battle for us. if we know something, it changes the way we act. It changes our perspective so instead of being scared of the enemy we now have the confidence and boldness to confront the enemy.

And the reason for our confidence is not that we can cast out demons but that we are children of God – saved by grace because of what Christ did at the cross. It is Christ’s power that the devil shudders in our midst.

Luke 10:20 However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

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